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Get ready to prevent falls and avoid injuries this winter

As people get older it’s not unusual that they become unsteady on their feet and even though falling is quite common it can lead to serious injury and affect confidence.There


East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust has record-breaking month looking after patients in their own homes

More patients than ever are being cared for in their own homes by East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (ELHT).In October, the Trust’s virtual wards programme, Hospital at Home, treated 1,568


Your views are needed on Manchester’s budget

The Council needs to balance its books and is looking at making savings based on extra income, staff efficiency and service transformation. Your views will help it decide what savings


Council land deal unlocks major life science investment

The Council has completed a disposal of land to Kadans Science Partner UK (Kadans) to deliver a landmark life science development as part of the first phase of the Upper


Belting up to deliver housing targets – are grey belts the answer?

The government’s target to build 1.5 million homes over the next five years by freeing up grey belt land “may prove problematic,” according to a leading green infrastructure expert.In a


New housing office supports hundreds within months of opening

A brand new face to face housing service, set up by the council, has supported over 500 people since opening its doors earlier this year.The new office at number 2


Amnesty International investigation concludes Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza

Amnesty International’s research has found sufficient basis to conclude that Israel has committed and is continuing to commit genocide against Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip, the organization said in


Community organisations encourage transition to eVisa for convenience and security

Community organisations and immigration experts support the UK government’s campaign to advise people about the change from physical immigration documents to an eVisa, an online record of a person’s UK


Therapy-based Olympic Games for stroke patients in Pendle

Staff at Pendle Community Hospital in Nelson came up with a unique way of encouraging rehabilitation, by hosting their own version of the Olympic Games.The team on Marsden Ward organised


2024 Mini Countryman SE ALL4 JCW EV

The new 2024 Mini Countryman is electric, bigger and less, well… Minier? Not just in size but in looks. The headlights are square, not round, and the proportions are distinctly