A dedicated advice helpline has been launched in Manchester to help support the ongoing push for vaccinations.
People are now able to ring a number, for free, to speak with clinical professionals – nurses and patient advisors – about the Covid-19 vaccine and any concerns they have, or just to get advice on how to book an appointment.
This helpline isn’t limited to just getting the jab, as people can use it to find out about Covid testing or what to do if they need to self-isolate.
For people whose first language isn’t English a translation service is available to ensure that no communities are left without advice.
The Manchester Covid Helpline number is open 7 days a week from 9am to 5pm and people can call for free on 0800 840 3858.
David Regan, Manchester’s Director of Public Health said: “The pandemic has been an incredibly uncertain time for people which is why it’s so important we make sure every resident has access to clinical advice. The more work we do to break down barriers preventing people getting their jab the better it will be for everyone’s health in Manchester.”
Dr. Manisha Kumar, Medical Director at Manchester Health and Care Commissioning said: “We want to make sure that any resident has the ability to get the information they need to protect themselves, their family and their community. The dual risk of Covid-19 and flu is really something we are trying to tackle head on and with this service, I’m confident we will be able to make a positive impact this winter.”
Councillor Joanna Midgley, Executive Member for Health and Care said: “Manchester has a range of diverse communities and throughout the pandemic we’ve done everything we can to offer support and advice to all of our communities. By having a translation service incorporated into this helpline we are ensuring that health equality is built into our Covid response.”