Vahora Voice UK (VVUK) Matrimonial Event held last week at Quwwat Ul Islam Education Centre in Preston under a superb leadership of Matrimonial Chairman Ishakbhai Jarman was a great achievement for VVUK. It is an ideal opportunity for Muslims to find suitable partner in an Islamic environment.
Event host Abbas Sufis informative and inspirational presentation kept everyone engaged..
Candidates from far and wide came with their parents and siblings to meet their future spouses. Also, guests from London, Leicester, Preston, South Africa and India were present to observe this Matrimonial initiative. They praised the Matrimonial team with encouraging and inspiring comments.
We thank everyone who supported this fantastic event and in particular Fazila Patel,M. Faruk Ugharadar, Rizwan Adam and Munir Gurji and team for co-ordinating the event smoothly,
Gulam Patel Nabipurwala who made sure that the entry was compliant and Imtiaz Patel Vareiyawala and Habib Bhuta played a wonderful supportive but important floating roles.
Some of VVUK trustees and two trustees from our main headline sponsor Bolton Muslim Welfare Trust (BMWT)were also present to support and encourage the proceedings.