NHS England and NHS Improvement has launched a new campaign taking a radically different approach to detecting cancer early for patients when it is easier to treat. The campaign is the first to focus on tackling the fear of cancer rather than specific symptoms.
The key message is that if you think something is wrong it is always better to get checked out to put your mind at rest, or to get treatment that increases your chances of a good outcome.
As part of the campaign there is a powerful film that features cancer survivors and those who have been referred for testing. It highlights their personal experiences of how the NHS has helped them in their journey and focuses the importance of visiting your GP and getting a diagnosis as early as possible.
The campaign is launched alongside new research that shows that nearly six in 10 people (56%) say a cancer diagnosis is their biggest health fear, above other illnesses including heart disease and Covid-19.
Almost two thirds (63%) of those surveyed said dying was their biggest cancer fear, with more than one in three (37%) worried about being a burden on family and friends and over another third (36%) worried about the impact of chemotherapy or other treatments.
While the majority of people knew catching cancer earlier makes it more treatable, over two fifths (42%) said they would ignore symptoms, wait to see if anything changed, look for answers online or speak to family and friends before seeing their GP.
Dr Jyoti Sood “A key part of this new campaign is encouraging people to be aware of any changes in their body, and not to hold back from getting them checked. If you are worried that something in your body doesn’t feel right don’t let it play on your mind, contact your GP.”
Daksha Trivedi who is a cancer survivor “Cancer itself can make you feel fearful and worried but once you have seen your GP you’re not alone. Your GP will refer you for the right treatment and is with you throughout your journey. I am alive today. I am cancer free and I have been for the last three years.”
Not all the symptoms of cancer are easy to spot. The NHS is encouraging people to contact their GP practice if they experience any of the below symptoms:
- Tummy trouble, such as discomfort or diarrhoea for three weeks or more, or
- Blood in your urine – even just once;
- Unexpected or unexplained bleeding;
- Unexplained pain that lasts three weeks or more;
- An unexplained lump; or
- A cough for three weeks or more (that isn’t COVID-19).
Other signs and symptoms to prompt contact to your GP practice if experienced for three weeks or more include:
- Unexplained weight loss;
- Feeling tired and unwell and not sure why
- Heartburn or indigestion
- Unusual, pale or greasy poo