Let’s work together for climate solutions now! “Message from 70 Thousand Muslims to COP26 Leaders

In the build-up to the upcoming 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26,) Greenpeace Middle East and North Africa and Islamic Relief Worldwide, as part of the Ummah for Earth Alliance (U4E) delivered a message to leaders through a projection on the Glasgow Central Mosque close to the conference venue.
The projection represents the voices of around 70 thousand Muslims from around the world who signed a pledge to act responsibly towards the environment and become an ‘Ummah for Earth,’ with a simple message about the urgency for climate action: “To all leaders at COP26: Let’s work together for climate solutions now!”
In the build-up to the upcoming 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26,) Greenpeace Middle East and North Africa and Islamic Relief Worldwide, as part of the Ummah for Earth Alliance (U4E) delivered a message to leaders through a projection on the Glasgow Central Mosque close to the conference venue.
The projection represents the voices of around 70 thousand Muslims from around the world who signed a pledge to act responsibly towards the environment and become an ‘Ummah for Earth,’ with a simple message about the urgency for climate action: “To all leaders at COP26: Let’s work together for climate solutions now!”
Irfan Razzaq, General Secretary of Glasgow Central Mosque said: “As we welcome delegates coming to Glasgow to participate in the climate conference, we felt obliged to send a message from the Muslim Ummah to leaders, and help the global climate movement achieve its ultimate aim based on our shared values of protection, guardianship and stewardship of our planet.”
Throughout the course of the conference, the Ummah for Earth Alliance is calling for world leaders, especially those from Muslim majority countries to take more concrete actions and:
- Make serious progress by issuing new commitments and moving faster to phase out of fossil fuels to keep the goal of limiting global heating warming below 1.5C within reach
- Support the transition of developing economies, including supporting the most affected communities
- Ensure that the $100bn annually for climate change financing is not only met but made more transparent for easier accountability
- Guarantee that a fairer share of funds is set aside for global adaptation projects that helps communities prepare for the worst consequences of climate change
- Ensure that loss and damage financing, which helps countries hardest hit by climate change rebuild, is urgently increased