Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service launched this year’s Safety During Hajj campaign.

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service launched this year’s Safety During Hajj campaign.

The launch event took place at the Jamia Masjid Ibrahim U.K. Islamic Mission in Burnley and was opened by Lord Wajid Khan (Vice Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Hajj and Umrah) and Assistant Chief Fire Officer Jon Charters.

Also in attendance were:

  • County Councillor John Shedwick, vice chair of the Combined Fire Authority.
  • Dr. Sakthi Karunanithi, director of public health at Lancashire County Council.
  • Representatives from Lancashire Constabulary.

Colleagues from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service’s community fire safety (CFS) team delivered a presentation featuring lots of Hajj safety advice. The CFS team has already delivered this presentation to groups of both men and women in the local Muslim community.

ACFO Jon Charters said:

“I regard the ‘Safety During Hajj’ campaign as a crucial piece of work that we undertake each year. Through some superb delivery by colleagues, this safety-focused initiative aims to ensure that Lancashire’s residents can travel to, and around Saudi Arabia, in the safest ways possible and in doing so, enjoy the most fulfilled and rewarding pilgrimage. Hajj is such an important part of the Islamic faith and I’m very proud that LFRS and our partners can play such an influential role in keeping our residents safe when travelling abroad.”

“Huge thanks to Faz Patel and the rest of our colleagues who deliver these safety messages each year.”

For further details please visit the following link Hajj Safety Tips – Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (

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